QuPath Edu

free, open-source digital microscopy platform for education

Built on top of QuPath

Includes all the image analysis features of QuPath

Web + Windows/macOS/Linux

View lessons on the web or by using QuPath

free & open-source

Licensed under GNU GPL v3 License

University of Oulu
University of Edinburgh

Built on top of QuPath; compatible with the Web

Materials are built using QuPath with our QuPath Edu extension. QuPath can be used for creating lessons and/or analyzing content. All materials are also available on the Web, without the analysis features of QuPath.

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QuPath Improvements

QuPath Edu transform QuPath from an image analysis tool into a microanatomy learning environment, with various new features and improvements.

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Image Analysis

QuPath Edu is fully compatible with the image analysis tools of QuPath, which means that QuPath Edu can be used also for teaching advanced image analysis concepts.

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View on the Web

All materials built with QuPath Edu are compatible with OpenMicroanatomy Web, which means that everything can be viewed also using a web browser.

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More features

Learn more about features such as multi-choice annotations, slide tours, ability to embed rich media, and more.

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OpenMicroanatomy + QuPath Edu

All materials are built using QuPath Edu, which is an extension for QuPath. QuPath Edu includes various improvements and new features for QuPath, which makes it more tailored for learning microanatomy.

OpenMicroanatomy consists of two components: web and server. QuPath by default works only locally. QuPath Edu communicates with the OpenMicroanatomy Server, which makes it possible to view QuPath projects remotely over the internet. OpenMicroanatomy Web is an alternative platform to access the same materials on the web browser, without any analysis features.

QuPath Edu

Extension for QuPath, maintaining all the features of QuPath and various improvements / new features tailored for learning microanatomy.


Consists of OpenMicroanatomy Web and Server, which are used for accessing QuPath materials remotely and/or using the web browser.

Get Started now

Start using OpenMicroanatomy / QuPath Edu, a free and open-source learning environment for microanatomy, built on top of QuPath